At 449 Recovery, treatment for mental health disorders and addiction is done using a holistic, whole-person approach. This means the treatment for each person is based on their individual needs and values. Clients are paired with their own counselor, therapist, and psychiatrist. Additionally, there are various options for individual and group therapy to cater to what best suits a client.
Although many people in treatment notice similarities in their addiction stories or life experiences with those of their peers, clients are different people and may respond to therapies differently. At 449 Recovery, each person is provided with care, compassion, and support, and groups are small enough so that no one feels neglected. The staff truly listens. They have a genuine desire to hear your story to understand your journey and personal experiences.
Programs at 449 Recovery are based on an approach that incites and supports holistic change. The professionals involved seek to fully understand your situation and promote healing through the body, mind, and spirit. The environment is a family-oriented one, which means it is close-knit and feels like a safe and comfortable home. In fact, 449 Recovery has been referred to as a home away from home.
What Is Individualized Treatment?
There are quite a few components that differentiate an individualized, case-by-case treatment approach from others. A policy by the Nevada Department of Health and Human Services gives the following recommendations for individualized treatment:
- Treatment should consist of a comprehensive, progressive, and personalized plan that includes all prescribed behavioral health services.
- Each prescribed service must be clinically appropriate and use evidence-based standards.
- Prescribed services must support the restoration of patients’ functioning, aligning with their goals.
- Treatment must be integrated with other components of overall health care.
- It is a necessity that the treatment plan includes strength-based, outcome-oriented individualized rehabilitation goals. The goals are set in place to change skills and behaviors that are related to the diagnosed condition.
This list shows how important it is for treatment to be comprehensive by taking into account all the relevant mental health and substance use disorders that impact someone’s health. It also stresses the importance of quality treatment, built from evidence-based approaches, that can produce real change in someone’s skills and behaviors.
Keys to Treatment
For decades, substance use disorder treatment has been done using established care models, and relapse after treatment has remained a norm. However, in the more recent years as the field of treatment has progressed, treatment has become less standardized. No longer does everyone receive the same medication, diet, and psychotherapy. Instead, interventions are more carefully tailored to each person, taking into account their biology, history, symptoms, and more.
Regular recovery monitoring should begin during treatment and continue afterward as a way to detect relapse. This integrates regular recovery checkups for sustaining recovery. Through this type of treatment, clients are also encouraged to participate in recovery support activities.
Recovery monitoring should address physical, mental, and social health domains. At 449 Recovery, these are all essential components that factor into our treatment plans for each client.
Individualized Treatment at 449 Recovery
449 Recovery is dedicated to enhancing mental and behavioral health. We are committed to being responsible, reliable, affordable, and trustworthy.
We offer therapeutic approaches such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, trauma therapy, psychodrama, holistic healing, and life skills. During treatment, each client meets with a therapist, psychiatrist, and case manager once per week in addition to participating in group therapy. Clients are able to choose which groups align with them and their journey, determining which they will participate in.
Treatment services are individualized for those struggling with anxiety, depression, trauma/PTSD, bipolar disorder, personality disorder, behavioral issues, co-morbidities (like anxiety and mood disorders), addiction to drugs and/or alcohol, and failure to launch. It looks different for everyone because treatment is based on the skills that a client already possesses and their current place on their own road to recovery.
Intensive individualized treatment at 449 is geared towards mental health and includes groups that vary specifically to provide options for clients. It is very important to acknowledge that a therapy that may be suggested for one client may not be ideal for another. Avoiding dependency on services is a key component of treatment because this sets clients up for more success outside of treatment. Clients are not treated as numbers; they are treated as people.
A client’s current situations as well as their personal goals post-treatment shape their experience of treatment at 449 Recovery. For example, some clients may have already had a job, a license, and a car, and some may have never even ever begun that process. Meeting clients where they are and helping them take the next steps is a crucial aspect of treatment. This explains why a one-size-fits-all approach is not ideal.
Seeking treatment at a center that will treat you as an individual and not a number is going to truly impact your road towards recovery. The assumption that everyone will benefit from the same model of treatment is unrealistic and potentially even a recipe for failure. Treatment based on an individual client and their personal needs will set them up for success on their journey. If you have never heard of individualized treatment or simply would like to learn more about it, reach out to 449 Recovery. We want to not only be an outlet for those struggling to receive treatment but also a trustworthy source of information for anyone looking to learn. We can inform you about treatment specifically offered at 449 Recovery as well as provide insight on other types of available treatment. To be not only listened to, but also heard and understood, call (949) 435-7449 today.