The New Year is just around the corner. We have some tips to help you celebrate without relapse.
- Plan your own New Year’s sober party. Invite your sober friends and family. Keep it simple a few snacks or finger foods so sparkling juice and a few games. You can even make your own Paper Mache ball to drop.
- Decorate with streamers and lights. It does not have to be expensive.
- Be sure to include in the invite that there is no alcohol.
- Take care of you in your planning and decorating. Exercise and practice meditation to keep your stress level low.
- Attend 12 step program meetings more frequently through the holidays if you need them.
- Keep aware of your triggers and have a plan in place to deal with those triggers.
- Set a time for the party 10 or 11 pm until 1230 or 1 am. How long it should last is entirely up to you.
- Games can include charades, Pictionary, Karaoke if you can borrow a machine, or M&M straw game. There are plenty of other games you can come up with.
- Prizes for game winners can be simple homemade gift certificates for a free carwash by you, 1 free sidewalk snow removal, you get the idea.
- Keep it fun and light.
These tips can help you enjoy celebrating ringing in the New Year and keep you on track with your recovery without added stress or anxiety.
Food choices can include chips, dip, pretzels, deviled eggs, and some sliders. Here are 50 sliders from which you can choose.
Practice mindful meditation and remember to be in the moment and enjoy the occasion with your family and friends.
At 449 Recovery, our therapists can help you with your treatment plan. Contact us today 855-735-7449