Deciding to seek treatment for mental health and its resulting maladaptive coping skills, such as addiction, is a significant step in healing. However, once you complete treatment, what’s next? Where do you go from here, and how do you ensure that you stay on track with your healing? Staying connected to your treatment program and the people who helped you can be highly beneficial. Consistently interacting with the people who want to live your life as an independent, healthy adult can help keep you focused on what is important.

What Happens After Treatment?

You have just accomplished one of the most crucial pieces in healing from mental health issues and addiction: treatment. You made the decision to change. You endured the psychological and physical pain of detoxing. You stuck with the program, talked about your feelings, and allowed yourself to be vulnerable to a new way of doing things. Now what? Where do you go from here?

Feeling lost and unsure is a normal reaction to completing treatment. As a result, there are various options for staying connected after treatment. To maintain connection, many facilities offer an alumni program for those who have completed their treatment program. Alumni programs are a way to validate those bonds and friendships made while in treatment while still living an independent life.

449 Recovery Alumni Program

At 449 Recovery, we offer an amazing alumni program for those who have once trusted us with treatment. We are proud that our graduation rate is 90%, and it brings us nothing but joy to offer a program that extends our services to these individuals. Our alumni program provides those who have completed treatment the opportunity to engage in fun activities with other people on the same healing path as them.

For example, every other Thursday, we offer softball from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Whether or not softball sounds like something you would be interested in, team bonding alone is something that can last a lifetime. The corresponding Thursdays can be spent on activities like going to the beach, a museum, bowling, paintballing, hiking, or going to a movie. Taking the time to enjoy the simpler things in life can help you stay connected to yourself and the life you want for yourself.

Staying Connected to Yourself

In recovery, it’s crucial to pay attention to yourself and engage in self-care to flourish; it is what you deserve. After you complete treatment, make sure you check in with yourself frequently to see how you feel emotionally and take time to relax.


Keeping a journal is a great way to stay tied to your inner self. Writing down your raw emotions is therapeutic and helps process your thoughts. Journaling is also a way to keep track of your progress and keep yourself accountable.


Meditation is another incredible way to take time for yourself. There are no rules for meditation except focusing on yourself and your breathing. You can meditate almost anywhere, anytime, and it can help you find your center.

Spend Time in Nature

Spending time in nature can help you stay connected with yourself. The fresh air and sunlight can clear your mind and put you at ease. Many people find comfort in bird watching or simply listening to birds singing.

Find New Activities

Try some yoga poses, start a garden, or listen to your favorite music. Seek out your local community center and see if there are any activities or clubs you would like to join. There are many volunteer events always looking for people to help, and in doing so, you can end up helping yourself by giving back to your community. Try and connect with people who share your same interests.

Establish New Routines

Listening to your body and its needs is a routine you can establish after treatment to help yourself succeed. It’s crucial to put yourself first and actively work on a plan to keep yourself on track. It is okay to have bad days, but you can’t let yourself get stuck in them. Reach out to your loved ones to talk, ask a friend to lunch, and be the best person you can be for yourself.

Continuing Care After Treatment

Establishing a therapist that you can regularly see after treatment is highly recommended. It is healthy to express your feelings to other people, and doing so to a professional can help you sort through how you are feeling in a safe space. There are many resources for finding accessible therapists. No matter where you are in the United States, you can find a mental health professional who can help you. Finding a therapist or another form of mental health support is something that can help you stay on track with your healing and progress after completing treatment.

Completing treatment can feel scary at first. Going from the structure and endless support of treatment to independent living can be a frightening thought. Luckily, there are many ways to stay connected with recovery support and yourself after completing a treatment program. At 449 Recovery, we offer an alumni program for those who have completed treatment with us. In our alumni program, you can connect with other people in the same stage of recovery as you and feel the continued support of people who want to see you succeed. We can also help you find ways to stay connected with yourself and your goals, such as journaling, spending time in nature, and more. 449 Recovery wants to see you flourish in your newfound life after treatment and is here to help you every step of the way. Call us today to learn more at (949) 435-7449.