Once routines are created, they can be tough to break. Change is difficult in any area of life, let alone change that requires unlearning habits of addiction and developing a new way of living.
The decision to undergo the lifestyle changes necessary for recovery often requires a good deal of self-awareness, personal responsibility, accountability, and time. Getting professional help can assist you as you develop new mindsets and habits in recovery.
How to Become the Best Version of You
No one is born perfect or born with life figured out. Along the path of life, all people face difficulties and trials through which they can learn and grow.
To take a more active role in your journey, visualize the best version of yourself. Then consider what actions you can take to more fully realize that version of yourself in your daily life.
Prioritize Healthy Activities You Enjoy
Think about what makes you happy and work toward keeping it relevant in your life. If you enjoy reading, make sure you make time during the day to read a book. If you enjoy being outside, find a nearby park and soak in the sun. The activities you enjoy do not have to be complicated. In fact, simple pleasures that can be incorporated into daily routines are often what bring people the most joy.
Consider Meditation
It may be difficult to rediscover what you loved before the addiction, but taking the time needed to get back in touch with yourself is well worth it.
Many people use meditation as a way to connect with themselves. Meditation has been shown to provide clarity and calmness. It can also lower blood pressure and improve your heart’s health. Your body may need a reset and boost after substance abuse and addiction, and taking fifteen minutes out of your day to sit and focus on your breathing is a simple way to do that.
Be Honest
When someone is active in their addiction, they will do almost anything to cover up the truth. They may lie to their loved ones about the severity of their situation, conceal their true emotions to protect their family, and put on a persona that makes it seem like they are in control of their life.
Admitting to oneself that there is an issue regarding substance abuse is one of the most vulnerable things a person can do. It takes great mental strength and is the first step toward true vulnerability.
Be Patient With Yourself
As you better realize how your addiction has negatively impacted your life, you need to be patient with yourself. There may have been mistakes made, and that is all right. To move forward, you need to accept what has already happened, own up to it, and believe in your ability to do better the next time.
Allow yourself to accept all your emotions. The only way to heal from feelings of uncertainty and regret is to go through them. Trauma and pain from the past may have led you to your addiction, but they will not get you out of it. It is okay to admit that you are struggling, and it is okay to admit you can no longer handle it.
Let People Support You
The process of recovery can be uncomfortable both physically and emotionally at times. It is important to remember the end goal of sobriety and accept that letting your guard down is crucial to the process.
You do not have to go through recovery alone. In fact, it is highly recommended that you do just the opposite. Having support from friends, family, or your community can make a big difference in your recovery.
It can be scary to involve your loved ones in the process of recovery, especially if you have tried so hard to convince them that everything is okay. Part of being vulnerable involves openness about how you feel and how your life is going. Relationships with people who provide a safe place for you to be vulnerable can help you heal and keep you motivated through recovery.
Be Vulnerable With Others
For many, the idea of being vulnerable with loved ones or strangers can be incredibly intimidating. Vulnerability is not easy. After all, vulnerability involves openness to the possibility of experiencing judgment or emotional pain.
However, it is important to practice communicating openly and honestly. Telling people how you feel can leave you feeling exposed, but achieving an authentic connection with others stems from genuine communication. If sharing a thought or concern of yours results in the other person responding in a way you don’t like, it is okay. You can only control how you respond to things and let everything else fall into place. What was meant to be, will be. You can focus on yourself and keep moving forward.
How can you unlock the best version of yourself? It certainly won’t happen overnight, and it won’t happen without putting in mental work. The first step in becoming the best version of yourself is admitting to your addiction and accepting your mistakes. Changing routines can be scary, but you can make the changes that are necessary for a better life. By building relationships with people who you can be vulnerable with, you can create a support system that enables you to process and express your emotions. There are hundreds of professionals waiting to help you find the better side of life. Take time to do the things that bring you joy and focus on your sobriety. Call 449 Recovery at (949) 435-7449 to learn more about how being vulnerable with both yourself and others can lead to a successful recovery from substance use disorder.